“You can either get HELP or compete against those who do!”

HELP’s Graduate School


HELP provides custom evidence-based, ROI focused, consulting and research services based on our individual clients needs, objectives, desired outcomes, budget, and timeline.

Corporate & NGO's

HELP works with scholars that are seeking to take their education to the next level via the academic or professional school routes.

Corporate & NGO's

Graduate/Professional School: Assistance with application preparation and completion, testing, admissions essays, and interviewing prep focused on academic and social expectations, institutional fit, research agenda framing, literature comprehension, course management, thesis and dissertation tips, publishing, assistantships, and potential pitfalls, along with identification of programs, funding, fellowship assistance and career counseling.

Corporate & NGO's

Cost Education is individual, so HELP fees are customized based on students’ personal needs and goals.


HELP participates in workshops, conference panels, webcasts, college & graduate school fairs, and also presents to groups and organizations that are engaged with the populations we serve. We specialize in working with parents & students, schools & universities, athletic departments, scholar & honor programs, Greek letter organizations, youth development, spiritual, and civic groups and organizations.




Negotiate with vendors. Vendors can help you through a cash crunch by extending you better...


Is essential

Starting a company is hard, so you're going to need a lot of advice along the way



10 MySQL Databases

200 GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

300 Email Addresses



20 MySQL Databases

400 GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

400 Email Addresses



25 MySQL Databases

500 GB Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

500 Email Addresses

If you have a problem, let us HELP you!

Text/blurb area. Configure copy for this area.

If you have a problem, let us HELP you!

Text/blurb area. Configure copy for this area.

Startup Company


While some employers might think holding on to an unhappy